How to Lose Weight Permanently With A Low Carb Diet | My True Fat Burning Furnace Story
More and More People Are Becoming Obese
There’s no doubt that millions of Americans are in the grip of unhealthy eating habits, as evidenced by national statistics on obesity. According to a recent survey , more than 34 % of Americans are obese. This sad state of affairs is being abetted by fast-food chains with their super-sized high-calorie meals and drinks. And their customers keep coming back for more of their artery-clogging fare. But blaming these restaurants for our being overweight won’t do us any good. What we can do is start losing the excess pounds by shifting to a low-carbohydrate diet.
Fortunately, a growing number of people have realized the importance of a healthy lifestyle, which includes adopting a low-carb diet plan. Many restaurants, including some fast-food outlets, have started featuring low-carb dishes on their menus. In magazines, newspapers, and other periodicals, low-carb recipes have become a standard feature; you find these recipes on websites too. Sometimes they print a low-carb version side by side with the regular recipe. But how effective is a low-carb diet plan as a weight-loss strategy?
Losing Weight and Keeping It Off Cannot Be Achieved Without Dieting Alone
This is essentially how a low-carb diet works: by restricting your consumption of carbohydrates, your body is forced to raid your fat reserves as an alternative energy source. But bear in mind that losing weight and keeping it off cannot be achieved with dieting alone. “Dieting” implies doing something temporary, and more often than not, so is the weight loss.
Set Goals and Be Realistic
If you’re thinking of the low-carb diet in that way, this is what’s likely to happen. You set a weight goal, start eating only low-carb meals whether you’re at home or eating in a restaurant, stock your fridge with low-carb foods, etc. But as soon as you achieved your weight goal, you want to reward yourself for all your effort. So you go off the diet and go back to the unhealthy foods that you had given up. Before long, you regain the pounds you had lost, so you would have to start on another diet. But if you had taken the low-carb diet as simply a part of a new and healthier lifestyle, you would have kept the weight off permanently.
Make Sensible Food Choices and Lose Weight
What’s important here is making sensible choices in the foods you are going to eat. You don’t have to eat low-carb meals each and every time. Practice portion control so that you don’t end up consuming more calories than you can burn. As the new lifestyle takes hold of you, you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to lose weight.
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