My True Fat Burning Furnace Story

How To Lose Weight Fast

The Idiot Proof Way To Lose Weight If You’re Lazy and Fat – My True Fat Burning Furnace Story

The Bottom Line for Losing Weight is Your Ability to Burn More Calories Than You Take In

There are a lot of people who wish they could lose weight who are lazy and fat. They need to understand just how people really lose weight. The bottom line for losing weight is in your ability to burn up more calories than you take in. Very simple, but not always so easy. You have to either cut the amount of calories you take in, or increase the amount that you burn, until you reach the point of burning more than you’re taking in. The best thing is to do both, cut the calories and exercise more.

For the lazy group it will be hard to engage in a regular exercise program, and they probably won’t. So for them, they will need to cut back on their caloric intake. Eating a proper diet will help them to shed some pounds. Here are some good tips to help you learn about the weight loss process:

Change Your Diet to Healthy Foods

Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Since you’ll be cutting your caloric intake, you will need to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables because they are very low in calories. You can eat plenty of them and not be overeating.

Stay Hydrated and Drink Water

Drink lots of water every day. At least eight to ten glasses per day. Water will flush the toxins from your body and help you to lose weight. Water is also one of the best appetite suppressants known to man. Drink a glass about 30 minutes before eating a meal, and you won’t eat as much as usual.

Cut back on your caloric intake by at least 10% every week until you reach the desired amount on a daily basis. I should point out that you need to start off slowly in this method and not try to do it all at once. Just gradually build up to where you want to go.

Learn about the amount of calories found in the different food groups. There is a lot of information out there online to show you how to calculate this.

Stay Away from Junk Food

Eat less fat. Some fat is absolutely necessary for producing energy for performing your daily activities. But you need to limit the amount you take in. There are good fats and bad fats, so stay away from the french fries and bad fats.

So it boils down to this, if you’re lazy and fat and want to lose weight, cut down on your caloric intake and eat a healthier diet. This is the lazy man’s way to burn off that excess weight.


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